

1山东省烟台市农业科学研究院,山东烟台 265500;2西藏自治区林木科学研究院,拉萨 850000)

摘 要:烟香玉是以引进中熟苹果品种红露为母本实生选育的黄色苹果新品种。该品种果实长圆柱形,平均单果质量120.2 g,果皮呈黄色,表面光滑,果肉呈浅黄色,口感硬脆,肉质细腻,风味甘甜,可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)为14.3%,去皮硬度9.2 kg·cm-2,可滴定酸含量0.32%,维生素C含量2.53 mg·100 g-1,较其他早熟品种耐贮藏,自然条件可贮藏2个月。在烟台地区成熟期一般在8月中下旬,抗病性较强,适宜在山东、山西、新疆、陕西等苹果适栽区进行免套袋栽培,盛果期产量29.4 t·hm-2


苹果是我国产量与种植面积第一大水果,是我国北方果树产业的重要经济支柱[1]。据2018 年《中国统计年鉴》统计,2017 年我国苹果总产量达4139万t,栽培面积达222万hm2,栽培面积和产量约占世界的50%,其中69.6%是富士品种。众所周知,生产高品质的富士果品需要进行严格的套袋栽培[2]。近年来随着劳动力及生产成本日益增加,果农在套袋栽培上的投入日趋升高,在烟台地区,每套一个果袋,果袋成本、套袋、摘袋所需用工费合计起来接近0.2元,成为目前苹果生产的主要投入成本之一。因此,降低生产成本的同时丰富苹果品种,选育不同果色、耐贮运、可免套袋栽培的优质早熟苹果品种迫在眉睫。近几年烟台市农科院利用引进的优质苹果品种资源,筛选出综合性状优良的早熟黄色苹果新品种烟香玉,适宜进行免套袋栽培。

1 选育过程

烟香玉原代号HL-65,是韩国引进品种红露的自然实生,2003 年秋季获得实生种子2600粒,12 月底对种子进行沙藏处理,2004 年春播种,秋季获得1200 株实生苗,2005 年春季经初选,定植健壮实生苗1000株于烟台农科院杂交苗基地,2009年结果后经筛选,HL-65 初步定为优良单株,它的果皮呈黄色,果个小,果形圆柱状,果肉硬、口感甜,早熟。2011年春季采集接穗,2012年春季新植幼树于烟台农科院的复选圃内,2014年开始结果,树势中强,树姿开张,2016年进入盛果期,果实性状稳定,综合性状优良,同年9 月通过烟台市科技局组织的专家验收,定名为烟香玉(图1),2019年10月通过农业农村部非主要农作物品种登记,登记编号为GPD 苹果(2019)370007。

图1 早熟苹果新品种烟香玉
Fig.1 A new early ripening apple cultivar Yanxiangyu

2 主要特性

2.1 植物学特征

树势中强,树姿开张,具有短枝性状,易成花,以短果枝和腋花芽结果为主。1 年生枝条红褐色,有少量茸毛,平均节间长度2.1 cm,多年生枝条灰褐色。成熟叶片椭圆形,长8.7 cm,宽5 cm,叶柄长2.9 cm。叶片绿色、平展,叶姿斜向上,叶尖渐尖,叶缘复锯齿。花蕾浅粉色,花瓣圆形、粉白色、边缘相接,花冠直径47.5 mm,每花序5 枚花朵。

2.2 果实主要经济性状

如表1 所示,烟香玉果个较小,平均单果质量120.2 g。果实长圆柱形,梗洼中深、中阔,萼洼浅、阔,果面光滑无棱、有蜡质,果点中大、中密。成熟时果皮黄色,果肉浅黄色,口感硬脆,肉质细腻,风味甘甜,成熟度一致,香气浓。食用成熟期可溶性固形物含量为14.3%,高者达到15.9%,去皮硬度9.2 kg·cm-2,可滴定酸含量0.32%,维生素C含量2.53 mg·100 g-1,鲜食品质上乘。较其他早熟品种耐贮藏,自然条件可贮藏2个月。

表1 烟香玉与母本品种的经济性状比较
Table 1 Comparison of economic characters between Yanxiangyu and its female parent

2.3 生长结果习性

幼树生长旺盛,树势中强,易形成花芽,长中短果枝均能结果,幼树以中果枝结果为主,进入盛果期后以短果枝结果为主,花序坐果率高达85%,需要人工疏花疏果。异花结实,可作为富士、红将军等主栽品种的授粉树进行搭配种植。乔化苗定植第3年开始少量结果,矮化苗定植第2 年开始结果,5 年生树盛果期产量29.4 t·hm-2

2.4 物候期

如表2所示,在山东烟台,该品种3月12日花芽萌动,4月10日叶芽萌动,4月13日花序露出,4月21日花序伸长,4月24日花序分离,4月26日至4月29日初花期,8 月中下旬果实成熟,果实发育期115 d,属于早熟品种。11月上中旬开始落叶。

表2 烟香玉与母本品种的物候期对比
Table 2 Comparison of phenological periods between Yanxiangyu and its female parent

2.5 抗逆性


3 栽培技术要点

烟香玉适宜在山东省及气候相近的苹果适栽区栽培,果园土层厚度达到60 cm以上、水肥条件较好的地区可采用M26、M9 矮砧栽培,株行距以1.5 m×4.5 m为宜;水肥条件较差的丘陵薄地采用乔砧宽行栽培模式,定植株行距以(2.0~2.5)m×(4.0~4.5)m为宜,树形采用自由纺锤形或高纺锤形。建园时建议采用起垄栽培模式,行间可人工种植黑麦草或鼠茅草,配置适当授粉树,可与甘红、嘎拉、富士、金冠等品种互为授粉树。由于烟香玉易成花,生理落果较轻,需人工疏花疏果,合理调整负载,实现连年丰产和健壮树势的目标。为提高树体养分存储,在果实采收后可立即施肥,恢复树体,增加储备,施肥以有机肥为主,盛果期单株可增施3.0 kg稻壳炭肥[3]



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Breeding of a new early-ripening,yellow and bagging-free apple cultivar Yanxiangyu

SUN Yanxia1,SONG Laiqing1,ZHAO Lingling1,ZHANG Xueyong1,LIU Daliang1,ZHAO Jun2,LIU Xueqing1,TANG Yan1*

(1Yantai Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Yantai 265500,Shandong,China;2Tibet Academy of Forestry,Lhasa 850000,Tibet,China)

Abstract: Yanxiangyu is a new early-maturing and yellow apple variety,formerly named HL-65.It is the seedling offspring of the Korean-introduced variety Honglu.Healthy seedlings were planted in the spring of 2005.After evaluation and screening,HL-65 was selected as an excellent single plant.Scions were collected in 2011 and grafted on Begonia octagona as rootstock.Young trees were planted in the apple variety selection garden of Yantai Academy of Agricultural Sciences in the spring of 2012 and began to bear fruit in 2014.The variety has medium strong tree vigor,open canopy and spur type,is easy to initiate flowers and mainly bears short fruit spurs and axillary flower buds;the annual branches are reddish brown,with a small amount of villi,the average internode length is 2.1 cm,and the perennial branches are grayish brown;The mature leaves are oval,8.7 cm long and 5 cm wide,and the petiole is 2.9 cm long.The leaf posture is inclined upward,the leaf tip is gradually pointed,and the leaf edge is serrated;The flower bud is light pink,the petals are round and pink white,and the diameter of corolla is 47.5 mm.In 2016,HL-65 entered the full fruit bearing stage.The fruit size of this variety is small,the average single fruit weight is 120.2 g,the fruit is long and cylindrical,the fruit surface is smooth,nonarris and waxy,and the fruit dots are medium large and medium dense.The variety has yellow peel,light yellow pulp,hard and crisp taste and sweet flavor,with soluble solid content of 14.3%,peeling hardness of 9.2 kg·cm-2,titratable acid content of 0.32% and vitamin C content of 2.53 mg·100 g-1.It was accepted by experts organized by Yantai Science and Technology Bureau in September 2016 and was named Yanxiangyu.Yanxiangyu is more resistant to storage than other early maturing varieties.It can be stored for 2 months under natural conditions.It matures in mid and late August.The fruit growth period is 115 days and the maturity degree is the same.Yanxiangyu is more resistant to ring rot,rot andleaf blight than Gala and American No.8.It is suitable for cultivation in Shandong province and apple planting areas with similar climate.Suitable rootstocks can be selected according to the thickness of soil layer in newly planted orchards,and the tree is suitable to adopt free spindle or high spindle systems.In addition to conventional chemical control,pest control should be combined with biological and physical control measures to achieve the purpose of producing high-quality and bagging-free fruits.

Key words: Apple;New cultivar;Yanxiangyu;Bagging-free









*通信作者Author for correspondence.E-mail:tangyan_hy@163.com