
张 阳1,2,张 雅1,2,李 娜1,2,郭紫晶1,2,李大志1,2*

1湖南农业大学园艺学院,长沙 410128;2国家柑橘改良中心长沙分中心,长沙 410128)

摘 要:【目的】建立血橙果实品质综合评价量化公式,开发软件分析系统,客观、科学地评价血橙果实品质,提高血橙良种选育效率。【方法】对重庆市万州区12个血橙品种果实品质数据进行7 a(年)的跟踪,量化分析11个品质指标,建立血橙果实品质综合评价量化公式,开发出软件分析系统,然后组织专家品鉴会对软件分析结果进行验证。【结果】市场上受欢迎的3 个品种T.Tapi nuc.、T.Ippolito 和T.Nucellare 在分析系统中排名前三,与专家品鉴会评价结果一致。经分析,系统排名与专家排名呈极显著正相关(r=0.909,p <0.01)。【结论】该软件分析系统能对血橙果实品质进行客观分析与评价,提高了血橙新品种选育的工作效率,不足之处在于,此分析系统适用于对样品数量和指标数量较多的品质进行评价。


血橙[Citrus sinensis(L.)Osbeck f. sanguinea]是芸香科(Rutaceae)柑橘属(Citrus L.)甜橙品种[1],是柑橘中含花青素最丰富的一类品种,具有非常高的营养价值[2],果实形状呈圆球形或椭圆形,中等大小;果皮橙红色,较难剥离;果肉柔软多汁,酸甜味浓,成熟时有血红色不均匀斑纹,有特殊浓郁香气[3],是近几年来比较受欢迎的柑橘类型。果实品质是决定市场竞争力的重要因素之一,果实品质评价是良种选择和果品选优的重要环节[4-5]。柑橘果实品质分析指标比较多,是外观品质、风味品质、营养品质等多种因素的复合体,主要包括单果质量、果形指数、果皮厚度、可食率、出汁率、可滴定酸含量、可溶性固形物含量、固酸比、维生素C 含量等要素,血橙还包括果汁花青苷含量和果皮色泽2个因素。目前,国内外有很多新的综合评价方法应用于果实品质评价研究[6],主要有主成分分析法、层次分析法、模糊综合评价法、灰色关联度分析法、聚类分析和因子分析法等[7-8],但最后分析结果时,所用的指标都有所删减,笔者在本文中应用的标准化值加权法可以全面分析果实测量的品质指标。血橙果实品质综合评价分析的研究相对较少,需要进一步研究。笔者对湖南农业大学国家柑橘改良中心长沙分中心布置在重庆市万州区进行区域性试验的12 个血橙品种果实品质数据进行7 a(年)的跟踪,量化分析11个品质指标,开发出一套适合血橙果实品质综合评价软件分析系统,并应用专家品鉴法进行验证[9]。该研究为血橙果实品质综合评价提供了一种简便、客观的模式,为血橙新品种的选育、改良以及种植结构的调整提供品质评价科学依据[10]

1 材料和方法


1.1 材料

2014—2019年连续6 a对12个血橙品种(T.Meli、T.Messina rotondo、T.Tapi nuc.、T.Gallo、T.Nucellare、T. Gabella、T. del Muso、T. Scire、T. Ippolito、T.S.Alfio、T.Rosso 和Moro)在果实成熟期随机采样;利用品质分析数据建立量化公式、开发软件分析系统;2021 年1 月份再次采果验证软件分析系统。期间,每个品种采集30个果实,采摘后装箱,快递运回实验室,4 ℃下贮藏,3日内完成品质分析。

1.2 方法

1.2.1 建立量化公式 1)果实品质指标测定。随机选5 个果实测量,3 次重复。测量指标包括单果质量、果形指数、果皮厚度[11]、可食率[12]、出汁率[12]、可滴定酸含量、可溶性固形物含量、固酸比、维生素C 含量等9个柑橘果实品质常规指标[11]和果汁花青素含量、果皮色泽2个血橙特有指标[13-14],数据测定3次重复。

其中,果形指数=果实纵径/果实横径,可食率/%=(果实总质量-果皮的质量)/果实总质量×100,出汁率/%=果汁总质量/果实总质量×100,可滴定酸含量采用NaOH 中和滴定法[15]测定,可溶性固形物含量采用手持式糖度折光仪[16]测定,固酸比、维生素C 含量采用2,6-二氯靛酚滴定法[15]测定,果汁花青素含量采用光谱法[17-18]测定,果皮色泽用色差值量化,色差值用CR-400/410型色彩色差仪测定[19]

2)指标趋向性的确定与调整。(1)指标趋向性的确定。综合分析血橙的固有特性,把果实品质指标分为趋大、趋中和趋小指标。趋大指标包括可溶性固形物含量、固酸比、可食率、出汁率、维生素C 含量、果皮色泽和花青素含量;趋中指标包括单果质量、果形指数和果皮厚度;趋小指标包括可滴定酸含量。(2)趋中指标最优值的确定,用平均数代替[20-21]。(3)指标趋向性的调整。为了便于后续的计算,需要将所有指标统一调成趋大[20]

3)指标观测值的标准化处理。品质指标测定中,不同的指标存在不同的量纲和数量级,需将各指标进行标准化处理使其处于同一数量级,方便后续排序[22]。标准化是用来衡量资料相对位置的指标数据,这种指标数据为标准化值[23-25],具体参考唐帅等[20]和徐国祥等[21]的方法。总之,标准化值的含义是将不同单位的指标均转换为以0 为中心的纯数值,以方便后续处理[26]


图1 血橙果实品质指标的权重分配
Fig.1 Weight distribution of blood orange fruit quality indicators

5)果实品质的综合评判。将各指标的标准化值乘以相应权重,得到该指标的最终评分。即血橙单个样本总分=单果质量×10%+果皮色泽×10%+果形指数×5%+果皮厚度×5%+可溶性固形物含量×15%+花青素含量×15%+可滴定酸含量×10%+固酸比×10%+维生素C 含量×10%+可食率×5%+出汁率×5%。

1.2.2 开发软件分析系统 在1.2.1 建立量化公式的基础上,以C/S为架构,运用Visual Studio 2019对系统计算部分进行相应的代码编写,在.NET平台上采用C#语言构建系统,经过调试与修改,编译生成EXE文件等,逐步完成系统内部设计。系统操作界面采用陈明阳等[28]提出的扁平化设计风格,界面直观、简洁,操作方便,可以直接导入Excel 表进行分析,评价结果直观显示或保存。同时,该评价系统安装后不需要依赖其他工具,可以直接运行,分析结果可直接存储在本地文件,无需通过网络,保存速度快。

1.2.3 验证软件分析系统 组织专家品鉴会进行综合评价血橙果实,为了公平品鉴,另外编一组评审号。评价小组由18 名经过专业培训的专业技术人员组成,参照Obenland 等[29]和何义仲等[30]的方法对果实进行感官评价,目测打分,评分项目和评分标准见表1。最终得分越高,说明专家对果实认可度越高,品质越好。

表1 血橙果实品鉴评分标准
Table 1 Blood orange fruit tasting score criteria

注:果实形状、果皮色泽、一致性、果肉色泽、果肉质地和果实风味6 个项目由专家综合评分;果实大小、果皮厚度、可溶性固形物含量和种子数量4 个项目根据果实品质分析实测平均结果评分。
Note:Six items including fruit shape,peel color,consistency,pulp color,pulp texture and fruit flavor were comprehensively evaluated by experts.The four items of fruit size,pericarp thickness,soluble solids content and seed number were scored according to the measured average results of fruit quality analysis.

评分项目Scoring item外观Appearance果实形状Fruit shape果实大小Fruit size果皮色泽Peel color权重/分Weight/Scores 5评分标准Scoring criteria果形端正,圆球形或椭圆形为满分,其他情况酌情扣分Fruit shape straight,Round or oval for full score,other cases as appropriate points deducted中等大小为满分,过大或过小的酌情扣分Medium is full score,too large or too small as appropriate points deducted果实成熟、着色全面、色泽鲜艳有光泽为满分,其他情况酌情扣分Fruit mature, comprehensive coloring, bright and glossy color is full mark, other cases as appropriate deduction果实个体之间形状、大小和色泽均一致的为满分Full mark for uniform shape,size and color among fruit individuals 0.4 cm为满分,每增加0.1cm,扣1分,扣完为止0.4 cm is the full score,deduct 1 point for every 0.1 cm increase until cleared紫红或近紫红色为满分,部分紫红扣3~4分,黄色扣0~3分Purple or near-purple red is full,some purple buttons 3-4,yellow buttons 0-3可溶性固形物含量≥13%者为满分,每减0.5%减1分,扣完为止Total soluble solids ≥12%is full mark,every 0.5%minus 1 point,until deducted肉质脆嫩、囊壁薄、融化渣的为满分,其他情况适当扣分Meat crisp and tender, capsule wall thin, melting residue for full score, other circumstances appropriate deduction甜酸适度,汁多味浓或有特殊芳香者为满分,其他情况适当扣分Full score for moderate sweet and sour,juicy or special aromatics,appropriate discount for other situations无核为满分,1~3粒为4分,3粒以上每增加2粒扣1分,扣完为止Seedless for full score,1-3 for 4points,3 or more for each increase of 2 buttons 1 point,until deducted 10 15一致性Consistency内质Internal fruit quality果皮厚度Pericarp thickness果肉色泽Flesh color可溶性固形物含量Total soluble solids果肉质地Flesh texture 5 5 1 5 15 10果实风味Fruit flavor 15种子数量Seed amount 5

1.3 数据处理

所有数据使用Excel 2010软件进行整理、绘图,运用SPSS 17.0 软件进行数据分析。

2 结果与分析

2.1 果实品质数据的量化分析

2014—2019年连续6 a分析12个血橙样品的11个品质指标的平均观测值(表2)。11个品质指标的量化分析。(1)趋中指标最优值的确定。果实品质的平均值作为单果质量(185.15 g)、果形指数(0.99)和果皮厚度(4.57 mm)的最优值;(2)指标趋向性的调整。血橙11 个指标中,趋中指标通过公式yi =-1×|Xi-a|(yi 为第i 个样本调整趋向性后的值,Xi 为第i 个样本指标观测值)调整为趋大;趋小指标通过公式Wi=-1×Xi(Wi为第i个样本调整趋向性后的值,Xi 为第i 个样本指标观测值)调整为趋大,结果见表3;(3)数据标准化的处理,11个指标的标准化值结果见表4;(4)血橙果实品质的综合评分结果见表5。

表2 12 份重庆万州血橙样品果实品质观测值
Table 2 Observation values of fruit quality of 12 blood orange samples from Wanzhou,Chongqing

编号No.品种Variety果皮色泽Peel color ρ(维生素C)Vitamin C content/(mg·100 mL-1)ρ(花青素)Anthocyanidins content/(mg·L-1)可食率Edible rate/%出汁率Juice yield/%1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 11 12平均值Mean标准差SD T.Meli T.Messina rotondo T.Tapi nuc.T.Gallo T.Nucellare T.Gabella T.del Muso T.Scire T.Ippolito T.S.Alfio T.Rosso Moro单果质量Single fruit mass/g 194.00 190.00 178.00 191.78 182.22 178.67 213.00 188.67 187.27 170.00 192.89 155.33 185.15 14.20 1.44 1.38 1.49 1.51 1.55 1.45 1.38 1.43 1.59 1.45 1.65 1.64 1.50 0.09果形指数Fruit shape index 1.06 1.06 0.93 0.92 1.00 0.93 1.02 0.98 0.99 1.05 0.98 0.99 0.99 0.05果皮厚度Peel thickness/mm 4.74 4.56 4.43 5.02 4.51 4.63 4.74 4.20 4.23 4.58 4.86 4.29 4.57 0.25 w(可溶性固形物)Soluble solid content/%11.20 11.27 11.50 10.83 12.50 12.47 11.60 11.27 12.62 10.48 11.60 11.03 11.53 0.68 w(可滴定酸)Titratable acid content/%0.83 0.74 0.69 0.66 0.72 0.76 0.76 0.78 0.68 0.75 0.72 0.73 0.74 0.05固酸比The ratio of soluble solid content to titratable acid content 14.61 15.44 16.90 17.18 17.98 16.44 15.40 14.49 18.32 14.09 16.17 15.40 16.04 1.37 62.32 65.79 75.33 70.30 78.09 78.03 86.12 77.14 71.00 63.13 75.85 57.60 71.73 8.24 45.04 16.62 48.58 11.80 19.57 34.61 23.11 15.76 48.58 18.44 39.74 106.89 35.73 26.21 66.95 71.03 70.52 63.75 68.03 66.14 69.63 68.40 67.52 69.10 66.99 65.32 67.78 2.13 43.00 40.88 55.69 57.53 47.85 54.37 55.35 47.66 44.44 34.05 44.53 46.91 47.69 7.00

表3 血橙果实品质指标趋向性调整
Table 3 Trend adjustment of fruit quality indexes of blood orange

编号No.品种Variety 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 T.Meli单果质量Single fruit mass-8.85果形指数Fruit shape index-0.07果皮厚度Peel thickness-0.17可滴定酸含量Titratable acid content-0.83 11 12平均值Mean T.Messina rotondo T.Tapi nuc.T.Gallo T.Nucellare T.Gabella T.del Muso T.Scire T.Ippolito T.S.Alfio T.Rosso Moro-4.85-7.15-6.63-2.93-6.48-27.85-3.52-2.12-15.15-7.74-29.82-10.26-0.07-0.06-0.07-0.01-0.06-0.03-0.01 0.00-0.06-0.01 0.00-0.04-0.01-0.14-0.45-0.06-0.06-0.17-0.37-0.34-0.01-0.29-0.28-0.20-0.74-0.69-0.66-0.72-0.76-0.76-0.78-0.68-0.75-0.72-0.73-0.74

表4 血橙果实品质指标标准化值
Table 4 Standardized values of fruit quality indexes of blood orange

编号No.品种Variety可食率Edible rate出汁率Juice yield 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 11 12 T.Meli T.Messina rotondo T.Tapi nuc.T.Gallo T.Nucellare T.Gabella T.del Muso T.Scire T.Ippolito T.S.Alfio T.Rosso Moro单果质量Single fruit mass 0.15 0.58 0.33 0.39 0.79 0.41-1.89 0.72 0.87-0.52 0.27-2.10果皮色泽Peel color-0.61-1.25-0.07 0.14 0.57-0.50-1.25-0.72 1.00-0.50 1.65 1.54果形指数Fruit shape index-1.09-1.09-0.75-1.09 0.92-0.75 0.25 0.92 1.25-0.75 0.92 1.25果皮厚度Peel Thickness 0.17 1.25 0.38-1.71 0.92 0.92 0.17-1.17-0.97 1.25-0.63 0.57可溶性固形物含量Soluble solid content-0.49-0.38-0.05-1.03 1.42 1.38 0.10-0.38 1.60-1.54 0.10-0.73可滴定酸含量Titratable acid content-2.05-0.11 0.97 1.62 0.32-0.54-0.54-0.97 1.18-0.32 0.32 0.11固酸比The ratio of soluble solid content to titratable acid content-1.04-0.43 0.63 0.84 1.42 0.30-0.46-1.13 1.67-1.42 0.10-0.46维生素C含量Vitamin C content-1.14-0.72 0.44-0.17 0.77 0.77 1.75 0.66-0.09-1.04 0.50-1.71花青素含量Anthocyanidins content 0.36-0.73 0.49-0.91-0.62-0.04-0.48-0.76 0.49-0.66 0.15 2.72-0.39 1.52 1.28-1.89 0.12-0.77 0.87 0.29-0.12 0.62-0.37-1.15-0.67-0.97 1.14 1.41 0.02 0.95 1.09 0.00-0.46-1.95-0.45-0.11

表5 血橙样品的综合评分
Table 5 Comprehensive score of blood orange samples

编号No.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0排名Rank 11 10 3 7 2 5 8 9 1 1 11 12品种Variety T.Meli T.Messina rotondo T.Tapi nuc.T.Gallo T.Nucellare T.Gabella T.del Muso T.Scire T.Ippolito T.S.Alfio T.Rosso Moro综合得分Comprehensive score-58.69-32.48 39.93-17.43 60.72 26.02-17.74-31.36 76.24-75.31 29.55 0.55 2 4 6

2.2 综合评价系统的分析结果

2014—2019 年连续6 a 分析12 个血橙品种的11个品质指标的平均观测值,通过点击【数据导入】按键一键导入观测值,然后点击【品质分析】按键,即可得到果实品质排名情况,操作简便,从表6 可以看出,“品质值”得分与量化公式计算的结果完全一致。

表6 血橙果实分析系统排名
Table 6 Ranking of Blood Orange fruit evaluation system

品种Variety T.Ippolito T.nucellare T.Tapi nuc.T.Rosso T.Gabella Moro T.Gallo T.del Muso T.Scire T.Messina rotondo T.Meli T.S.Alfio品质值Quality value 76.24 60.72 39.93 29.55 26.02 0.55-17.43-17.74-31.36-32.48-58.69-75.31排名Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 11 12

2.3 组织专家品鉴会验证综合评价系统


2.3.1 软件分析系统评价结果 应用软件分析系统分析的排名结果见表7。在参评样品中,综合排名前5 的样品为T. Tapi nuc.、T. Ippolito、T. Nucellare、T. Gallo 和T. Rosso,都是市场上受欢迎的品种。并且,排名靠前的品种可溶性固形物含量、固酸比和维生素C含量等相对较高,由此看出,果实内在风味是果实选育的基础,只有内在品质优良,才能引导消费者再次回购。

表7 血橙果实评价系统排名
Table 7 Ranking of Blood Orange fruit evaluation system

品种Variety T.Tapi nuc.T.Ippolito T.nucellare T.Gallo T.Rosso T.Gabella T.del Muso Moro T.Scire T.Messina rotondo T.S.Alfio T.Meli品质值Quality value 48.27 37.03 34.97 26.63 19.80 7.49 6.77 4.68-12.14-43.83-64.15-65.53排名Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 11 12

2.3.2 专家品鉴会评价结果 由表8 可知,参与专家品鉴的12 个血橙品种排名情况。排名前5 的品种为T. Tapi nuc.、T. Ippolito、T. Nucellare、T. Rosso和Moro,与系统排名相似度高达80%。至于系统排名中Moro排名第8,而专家品鉴会排名第5,是因为系统排名中Moro 的可滴定酸含量高、固酸比低;品鉴时Moro 的果肉色泽指标得分高明显高于其他品种,接近满分15分。这说明在血橙果实品质相似的情况下,消费者更喜欢花青素含量高的品种,花青素含量对血橙的外观和品质的影响非常大[31]

表8 血橙果实专家品鉴会排名
Table 8 Ranking of expert tasting of blood orange fruit

编号No.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0排名Rank 12 10 1 8 3 6 7 9 2 1 11 12品种Variety T.Meli T.Messina rotondo T.Tapi nuc.T.Gallo T.Nucellare T.Gabella T.del Muso T.Scire T.Ippolito T.S.Alfio T.Rosso Moro综合得分Comprehensive score 80.68 82.92 91.84 84.67 86.80 85.25 85.17 83.00 89.50 82.83 86.66 85.74 1 4 5

2.3.3 系统排名与专家品鉴会排名相关性比较 对本次参与评价的血橙样品进行相关性分析,结果显示,系统排名与专家品鉴会排名呈极显著正相关(r=0.909,p <0.01),这说明软件分析系统符合实际。

3 讨 论

目前,评价果实品质主要采用主成分分析法,但它不能保证排名结果的一致性[32]。因此,应深入研究其他方法。笔者在本研究中运用标准化值加权法对果实品质指标进行趋向性确定(血橙属于“高糖高酸”型品种,适当的酸含量可以使血橙果实的风味更浓),将全部观测指标的数据进行趋向性调整,用专家打分法[33]分配指标权重,避免指标信息丢失,使果实品质评价更客观全面;对各项指标进行标准化值处理,使数据简洁化、消除单位、变成纯数值,降低数据处理难度。该方法能够客观准确地对12 个血橙品质进行分析,非模糊判断,但此方法引出大量计算问题;为了简化计算,基于上述数学原理开发了软件分析系统。

组织专家品鉴会对开发的软件分析系统进行验证。结果显示,软件排名前三的分别为T.Tapi nuc.、T.Ippolito和T.Nucellare,都是市场上较受欢迎的品种;T.Messina rotondo、T.Meli、T.S.Alfio排名靠后,也与市场实际情况相似。根据曾维友等[34]评价血橙品种发现T.Tapi nuc.总酸含量较低,T.Meli 的总酸含量较高;T.Ippolit可溶性固形物含量较高,T.S.Alfio可溶性固形物含量较低;而本文T.Tapi nuc.和T.Ippolito 在系统排名和品鉴排名中均靠前,T.Meli 和T.S.Alfio系统排名和品鉴排名中均靠后,与前人评价结果一致。系统排名中Moro排名靠后,而专家品鉴时排名中靠前,主要是由于文中的11个品质检测指标和专家组的鉴评指标略有微小差异,现场品鉴时Moro的果肉色泽指标得分明显高于其他品种,但综合来看,2 种评价结果差异不大。只能说明在品质相似的情况下,消费者更青睐花青素含量高的品种。将本次参与评价的血橙品种按照排名分成3个等级,第1~4 名为品质优秀,第5~8 名为品质良好,第9~12名为品质一般,则系统排名和品鉴排名均为“品质优秀”的品种有3个,占比75%;系统排名和品鉴排名均为“品质良好”的品种有2个,占比50%;系统排名和品鉴排名均为“品质一般”的品种有4 个,占比100%。系统排名与品鉴排名呈极显著正相关(r=0.909,p <0.01),说明该软件分析系统的结果符合实际情况,且更科学客观,更快速,为血橙品种的优劣选育提供科学依据。


4 结 论



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Development and application of comprehensive evaluation system for blood orange fruit quality

ZHANG Yang1,2,ZHANG Ya1,2,LI Na1,2,GUO Zijing1,2,LI Dazhi1,2*
(1College of Horticulture, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, Hunan, China;2Changsha Subcenter, National Center of Citrus Improvement,Changsha 410128,Hunan,China)

Abstract:【Objective】By tracking the fruit quality data of blood orange varieties in Wanzhou district of Chongqing,we analyzed the relevant data using the standardized value weighting method,established a quantitative formula for comprehensive evaluation on blood orange fruit quality,and developed a analysis system software. This analysis system is closely integrated with the variety characteristics of blood orange fruits, which can accurately process and analyze the fruit quality data, objectively and scientifically evaluate the merits and demerits of blood orange fruit quality and improve the efficiency of blood orange seed selection and breeding.【Methods】Citrus fruit quality is a fundamental factor to determine its market competitiveness, and quality evaluation is an important part in good seed and fruit selection.Firstly, the fruit quality data of 12 blood orange varieties arranged by the Changsha Branch of the National Citrus Improvement Center of Hunan Agricultural University for regional trials in Wanzhou district of Chongqing were followed for 7 a (years), and the fruit quality of 12 blood orange varieties (T.Meli, T. Messina rotondo, T. Tapi nuc., T. Gallo, T. Nucellare, T. Gabella, T. del Muso, T. Scire, T. Ippolito,T.S.Alfio,T.Rosso and Moro)was randomly sampled.Thirty fruits of each variety were collected,boxed and shipped back to the laboratory by courier.Five fruits were randomly selected for measurement in each trial and replicated three times.Secondly,the standardized value weighting method was applied to analyze the averages of fruit quality and to establish a quantitative formula for the comprehensive evaluation on blood orange fruit quality.The principle of this method is to convert indicators of different units into standardized values, which is characterized by retaining the order of the original mean value,erasing the indicator units and converting them into pure values to facilitate ranking.The specific calculation steps are as follows: the first step is the measurement of fruit quality indicators and the calculation of the average of the indicators. The measured indexes include 11 quality indexes of single fruit mass, fruit shape index, pericarp thickness, edible rate, juice yield, titratable acid content, soluble solid content, ratio of soluble solid content to titratable acid content, vitamin C content, anthocyanin content in fruit juice and peel color.The second step is the determination and adjustment of fruit quality indicators convergence. The number of fruit evaluation indicators is large, but each indicator is essential,so it is necessary to adjust the indicators to three tendencies,which are large,medium and small indicators.Among them, the convergence indicators include soluble solids content, ratio of soluble solid content to titratable acid content,edible rate,juice yield,vitamin C content,peel color and anthocyanin content;the convergence indicators include single fruit quality,fruit shape index and skin thickness;the convergence indicators include titratable acid content.The optimal value of the tendency index was determined by the average value of each batch of samples. The third step is the standardization of index observations. In the determination of quality indicators, different indicators exist in different scales and orders of magnitude,so the indicators need to be standardized to make them in the same order of magnitude to facilitate subsequent sorting, and the meaning of standardized value is to convert the indicators of different units into pure values centered on 0 to facilitate subsequent processing. The fourth step is the fruit quality index weighting distribution. Using the expert evaluation method to assign weights to each index,the fruit quality index of blood orange had 100 points.Appearance indexes accounted for 30 points,including 10 points for individual fruit,10 points for fruit skin color,5 points for fruit shape index,and 5 points for fruit skin thickness;internal quality indexes accounted for 70 points,including 10 points for titratable acid content, 15 points for soluble solids content, 10 points for solid/acid ratio, 10 points for vitamin C content,5 points for edibility,5 points for juice yield,and 15 points for anthocyanin content of fruit juice. The fifth step is to multiply the standardized values of each index with the weights and then add up the points to obtain the total points of fruit quality,and then rank the grades.Finally,the established quantitative formula was used to develop a comprehensive evaluation and analysis system software for bleeding orange fruit quality. Then, expert tasting sessions were organized to validate the analysis system software.【Results】The three varieties popular in the market,T.Tapi nuc.,T.Ippolito and T. Nucellare, were ranked in the top 3 in the analysis system, which was consistent with the results of the expert tasting session evaluation. The analysis showed a highly significant and positive correlation between the system ranking and the expert ranking (r=0.909, p <0.01), which indicates that the evaluation system is reasonable and feasible to be applied in practice.【Conclusion】The analysis system software can reduce the workload of fruit quality data analysis,improve the efficiency of the selection and breeding of new blood orange varieties, and make the results more accurate and reliable.Moreover,it can make accurate and scientific analysis and evaluation on blood orange fruit quality,and provide scientific basis for quality evaluation, the selection and breeding, improvement and planting scheme of new blood orange varieties.

Key words:Blood orange;Fruit quality;Comprehensive evaluation;Analysis system software









*通信作者Author for correspondence.E-mail:ldazhi@163.com